

2015年夏に柴谷 方良 先生(ライス大学教授、神戸大学名誉教授)をお招きし、講演会を開催いたします。 皆様お誘い合わせの上、ふるってご参加下さい。




・開催日: 2015年7月11日(土)

・開催時間: 第1講義: 11:00-12:30, 第2講義: 14:00-15:30, 質疑応答: 15:30-16:00

・主催: 札幌大学認知言語学研究会

・会場: 札幌大学 (→アクセス)

・講演者: 柴谷 方良 先生(ライス大学、神戸大学名誉教授)

・演題: What is nominalization?

                 —Toward the theoretical foundations of nominalization—

・講演内容: (日本語による講演です。)

Despite the tremendous progress in the study of nominalization in recent years, there remain a large number of fundamental issues unanswered or unexplored. This presentation examines many of the central questions that a comprehensive study of nominalization must address, including the following:

1.The cognitive mechanism underlying nominalization processes

2.The nature of nominals—what does it mean to be a nominal?

3.Syntactic and semantic distinctions between lexical and grammatical nominalizations

4.Internal- and external syntax of nominalizations

5.Usage patterns of nominalizations—NP-(referential) use and Modification-use; the phenomenon of “insubordination/desubordination”

6.Distinctions between nominalizing morphology (nominalizers) and nominalization markers (markers of the NP-use of nominalizations)

7.Nominal(N’s and NP’s)-based nominalizations: Genitive constructions as nominalizations

8.Numeral classifiers as numeral-based nominalizations and their uses

9.Classifier-based nominalizers and nominalization markers

10.Historical developments of nominalization markers and nominalizers

11.Implications of the new perspectives on nominalization to the previous grammatical studies, including the formal and typological studies of relative clauses

・参加費: 無料

・申し込み方法: 会場や準備の関係で予約制となります。事前にe-mail (sucogling[☆]g-mail.com (([☆]は適切なアットマークに変更して下さい))にて、件名に「柴谷方良先生講演会参加希望」とご記入いただき、本文に次の情報をお書き添えの上、お申し込み下さい。

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札幌大学 濱田英人研究室

